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From low-income land to production spaces

We at Agricarma have always been attentive to all aspects of innovation in the agri-food world: for this reason we are ready to respond in the best possible way to the challenges o fecological conversion.


Through the search for innovative solutions and strategic consultancy to support the investments necessary for the transition to Agriculture 4.0, we are able to provide assistance in the creation of a more efficient agricultural management system.


The issues on which we can offer support include:


  • Farm Management Information System

  • Agrometeorology

  • Smart farming

  • Irrigation planning

  • Connected Device

  • ...


Our Agrovoltaic development consultancy offer for the ecological transition to Agriculture 4.0 is divided into four distinct phases, one preparatory to the next. These are:


• Phase 1: Audit

• Phase 2: Project structuring

• Phase 3: Delivery

• Phase 4: Management support


Discover all the advantages of the Agrivoltaic!





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